SVN setup in Eclipse

SVN setup in Eclipse

SVN setup in Eclipse

Quick steps.

Step 1: Download, extract and start Eclipse
Step 2: Open webbrowser and visit url : In the download and install tab get the eclipse URL of desired SVN version say,
Step 3: Go to Help > Install New Software > In the dialog box paste the above url. Click Add and name it beautifully! Thats it.
Step 4: Select the components you want to install and accept the licence to start installation.

After a restart eclipse will be ready with SVN

10 PostgreSQL Commands for Developers

10 PostgreSQL Commands for Developers

10 PostgreSQL Commands for Developers


Start Postgres SQL Server

"pg_ctl" -D "<datafolderpath>" -l logfile start

PostgreSQL Initialize Database

Navigate to ...\pgsql\bin\ and type the following command

initdb.exe <datafolderpath>

PostgreSQL Create Database

Navigate to ...\pgsql\bin\ and type the following command

createdb databasename<enter>

PostgreSQL Create User

Navigate to ...\pgsql\bin\ and type the following command

createuser username<enter>

PostgreSQL Create Role

Navigate to ...\pgsql\bin\ and type the following command

createuser username<enter>

Maven Proxy Settings don't work!?

Maven Proxy Settings don't work!?

Maven Proxy Settings don't work!?

Tried lot of settings.xml alterations and still maven cant update its repository?? Try this


1. Download  : Cntlm Authentication Proxy from here 
2.Install and Configure it with your proxy details.
3. Run it like this cntlm.exe -v -a NTLMv2 -c cntlm.ini
4. Now configure back your settings.xml under .m2 like

<settings xmlns=""
<localRepository />
<interactiveMode />
<usePluginRegistry />
<offline />
<pluginGroups />
<servers />
<mirrors />
<profiles />
<activeProfiles />

Thats it now you can run your maven commands from console or update the user settings in eclipse to make maven fetch the required jars or reindex them.

Happy Coding..!