Admin console settings overwrite the alfresco global configurations

Admin console settings overwrite the alfresco global configurations

Do you often deal with lot of Alfresco configurations including those simple looking ones at Dealt with Below points might be of your interest

Alfresco has summoned many of its product configuration to this file from files such as, database configurations etc to one single file. This helps easy management of various configurations. When installed using installer the file is found in below location:

Administration -Points to remember

1. Alfresco Admin Console : values overwrite the values from properties files including

2.JMX Console: Values saved through admin console needs to be managed using JMX Console

3. Server restart: In most cases a Server/service restart are required for the changes to get reflected. However certain configurations such as log4j, License etc doesnt require a server restart

4. Server/Client Cache - Always remember to clear the caches such as browser cache (private browing/going incognito) , Tomcat temp, work folder clearance saves a lot of time in successful validation of configurations

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